Workplace Accommodations: Low Cost, High Impact

    This month, JAN, the Job Accommodations Network, released the findings of a study they conducted beginning in 2004.  JAN is a service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy of the U.S. Department of Labor.  Interviewing over 2,000 employers, the JAN report covers a range of industry sectors and sizes.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act and regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission refocused attention on workplace accommodations by broadening the definition of disability.  In interviewing employers, the study found that cost of accommodations was a concern of employers, however, the study showed that workplace accommodations are not only low cost but positively impacts the workplace in many ways. 

     These are their main findings:

1.  Employers want to provide accommodations so they can retain valued and qualified employees

2.  Most employers report no cost or low cost for accommodating employees with disabilities.

3. Employers report accommodations are effective.

4.  Employers experience multiple direct and indirect benefits after making accommodations.

     The study results consistently showed that the benefits employers receive from making workplace accommodations far outweigh the low cost.  The employers in the study reported that a high percentage (58%) of accommodations cost absolutely nothing to make, while the rest typically cost only $500.

     What is the bottom line? Workplace accommodations are low cost and high impact, and JAN can help employers make them, free of charge.

For more information and the full JAN report, click here.


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