Cornell University Article Features Work Incentive Specialist
Congratulations to Milton for being interviewed in Cornell's latest article about work benefits. Read his section of the article here, link to the full story included. "For a person who wants to rely less on disability-related benefits from the government and more on their own income, it can be challenging to best use the available benefits and work incentives." Fortunately, The Choice Group's Milton Johnson (profiled by Cornell) can offer the guidance to help clients navigate these programs and find individualized solutions." For a person who wants to rely less on disability-related benefits from the government and more on their own income, it can be challenging to best use the available benefits and work incentives. Milton Johnson, a former student in the unique Work Incentive Practitioner Credential program at the Yang-Tan Institute (YTI) and an employee at The Choice Group, knows about this both personally and professionally. Prior to joining Th