"The sky's the limit, the question is, how are you going to get there?"

Recently, The Choice Group was fortunate enough to have a dynamic guest speaker. She is almost fully blind and has been most of her life. Her experience is not unique, but her perspective on disability is. She shared with us this perspective and how she gained it when seeking to learn the martial art of Krav Maga. When she first approached her martial arts teacher revealing her desire to learn Krav Maga, he sat in thoughtful contemplation for a minute, before replying. “Krav Maga is a striking art, which relies heavily on awareness from a distance of your opponent’s motions and location. What if you tried Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, instead?” He replied. “It’s a grappling art, and might be better suited to someone with reduced vision. Lots of people practice Jiu-Jitsu with their eyes closed. You are in close contact with your opponent the whole time, which would allow y...