The Amazing Race

Dear Friends and Supporters of Community Brain Injury Services,

We have about 8 hours left in the Amazing Raise.  If you have not made a donation yet to support our services for survivors of brain injury, please consider taking a moment to do so.   The services we provide through our case management and Clubhouse programs provide hope, opportunity, and support for hundreds of survivors and their family members each year.   Yet, it is still not enough. Right now, over 70 survivors and families sit on our urgent waiting lists for our critical services. I would like to ask for you to step up right now and make a donation for our services through the Amazing Raise, so we can continue to serve the intense demand for our services as quickly as possible.  

Donating is really easy. Just click here:  
Make your donation before 6pm today to support us in The Amazing Raise.

On behalf of Community Brain Injury Services, and the survivors of brain injury we serve, thank you so much for support,

Jason Young, MSW, CBIS
Executive Director
Community Brain Injury Services


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