Alyssa's Caffeinated Adventure!

Heather started working with Alyssa in May of 2019 when Alyssa participated in the DARS (Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services) Pre-ETS program. Pre-ETS stands for Pre-Employment Transition Services.  Heather and Alyssa continued to work together under DARS through situational assessments to try out various tasks. Two things were clear: Alyssa loves to help people and to follow a routine. In October 2019, she was hired at Stand Up Coffee!

During assessments, it was determined that Alyssa does well with a rountine and likes to be around people or helping people. It was determined that Alyssa's preferences were to work on a sales floor or in a production type of position. Together, Alyssa and Heather made a list of employers in the town of Orange where Alyssa could get transportation.

One day, while Heather was contacting employers to ask about open positions and discuss Alyssa's abilities, she called Stand Up Coffee. About 30 minutes prior to the phone call, they had posted a production position. Alyssa interviewed and was hired on the spot.  Alyssa loves a routine, so she does very well in her production position. She also has gotten so fast at stuffing coffee bags that there are few people who could do it faster than she can.  

When she first started working with Heather, they spent time rehearsing what she would say to answer interview questions. Starting at Stand Up Coffee she was very quiet. There was concern that if she needed something, she may not feel comfortable voicing her needs. As Alyssa spent more time there, however, her shyness melted away. Now, she communicates with all of the staff and it is hard to imagine she was so shy when she first started.

Alyssa has been very kind and sweet to everyone at work. On Boss' Day she made a card for the owners, her managers. The card was so touching that each owner showed it to me that day when I made a site visit.  Alyssa has continued to do small gestures that show she really loves her job.

Her job duties include stuffing coffee bags into burlap, placing coffee cards with the burlap bag, washing coffee buckets and other duties as assigned.

Heather continues to make about 2 visits per month to help address any issues that may come up or if Alyssa needs to request time off for anything. In March, the production aspects of Alyssa's job may be changing slightly. Heather will assist her with learning the new production requirements as more details are known.

Alyssa loves to help people and be around people. Since starting work she has become more confident in advocating her wants and needs. For example, Alyssa had an opportunity to start a day support program for adults, but when she realized that she could not continue to work 5 days per week and attend the day program, she chose work.

Alyssa loves to shop and travel. Whenever Heather makes a site visit there are always stories regarding her recent travels, adventures or shopping spree. Alyssa is adventurous, likes to try new things, and often has plans about her next new experience.


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