Quality Assurance with a Smile!

Quality Assurance with a Smile

    Through diligence and hard work by both Scott and his then job coach Kortney Cotton, Scott was able to secure employment with the Food Lion in Elkton, VA in early September 2019 as a Quality Assurance Specialist!  

    Scott has had continuous employment with Food Lion for four months now, usually working two, sometimes three, shifts a week.  Through his dedication and hard work, Scott has become a valuable team member to Food Lion, and says that he enjoys his job. Scott has a million-dollar smile which has engaged him with both co-workers and customers, he always works hard, he is punctual and reliable, he takes great pride in his work, and he epitomizes what a great employee should be! 

    Scott’s parents, community, and Job Coaches are proud of his accomplishments!


  1. Way to go Scott, they got an excellent employee at Food Lion when they chose you...knew you would carry on the "Roy" hardworking tradition.

  2. It's great to be here and to learn more about software testing. I'm a software tester in a leading
    Software Quality assurance testing services Company. This a great knowledge for all beginners. Appreciate your effort to write about this.


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