No Wasted Energy for Daniel G.

No Wasted Energy

Sometimes arriving at a successful outcome includes some experiences that appear unsuccessful.  The truth is that all experiences are learning opportunities and better prepare us for the experience that will be successful.  

Daniel’s first job working with his vocational counselor was at a fast-food restaurant.  The schedule included some afternoon shifts and the pace was fast, too fast.  Daniel experienced stress and migraines, understanding that he was not meeting the employer’s needs.  He and his vocational counselor, together with his counselor at the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, decided to look for another position.

They found one at a local nursing facility working as a dietary aide.  Daniel started in September 2018 with consistent morning shifts, and has since transitioned to any shift.  He is one of the most valuable members of their team.  He feels supported and appreciated, and his associates genuinely care for him.  Partly as a result of his success at work, he has also transitioned from a group home to supported living in his own apartment.  This has been a true success!

It is important to remember that even though the first experience did not work out for him, his employer and associates tried to make it work.  It became a learning experience for everyone involved, so the next experience could benefit form that:  predictable shifts, more sustainable and steadier pace, team oriented but individual responsibilities, and better structure.  Looking at it this way, we can really say that any work experience is a success if we learn from it, even if we apply that knowledge in a future position – there is no wasted energy as we transition to work!


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