Veronda, the Super Supervisor

Veronda, the Super Supervisor

Veronda Rooks-Price is a Supervisor at a call center in Hampton, where she has been employed for a little over 2 years. Nancy, her Vocational Counselor, began working with Veronda in 2014, when they initially found a position that did not work out, before finding her current job.  
DARS helped her get back into job development again, after losing her initial job. With the help of DARS, and Nancy, Veronda landed her current position where she has been successfully employed for over 2 years. 

In the beginning, Veronda was interested in Human Resources and Management positions at a call center. Veronda completed her own applications and went on interviews independently, and Nancy assisted her with finding job leads and following up on them to secure interviews.

Veronda currently makes a good supervisor because she is friendly and caring. She is a team builder and transformational leader and brings great energy to her team.

Before finding her current success, Veronda was feeling dejected after losing her first position due to a background check situation, so she struggled with staying positive initially. Now that Veronda is a survivor, she has completely turned things around. Aside from hitting a few bumps in the road, Veronda and her employer are very happy with the hire. 

Veronda manages productivity as her agents take customer service-based calls and is a great asset to the company. Her current position provides financial stability so that she is able to continue to do volunteer work with women and girls in the community. Since Veronda is in a supervisory position, she uses rewards as an incentive for her team. She has done things like having an appreciation tea for her team, a beach balls and balloons celebration, and consistently celebrates team member birthdays throughout the year. 

Nancy follows up with Veronda monthly to monitor stability, as well as annually to complete paperwork. Veronda has found solace in Nancy, and often calls her to vent or to talk job related ideas or concerns.
Veronda is notably much happier as a person in her current position. She also states that, “her job has helped her to become a more patient person”, and that she now learns to focus more on the journey rather than the destination.

Her teammates make her feel special on a regular basis. For her birthday this past March, her team decorated her work bay in her sorority (Sigma Gamma Rho) colors and they all dressed in the sorority colors. They also filled her desk with various presents. She said that she was surprised and crying tears of joy all day long! 

Veronda does a lot of volunteer community work through her sorority for women and girls in the community, while also being a Rhoer Advisor. Rhoers are middle school and high school girls within the sorority and they have 7 in her chapter. In addition, Veronda is also in the process of finishing her dissertation for her PHD in Public Policy and Administration. 


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