From Intern to Employee: Ronique’s Story

From Intern to Employee: Ronique’s Story

Rachel McGregor began working with Ronique during her time in Project SEARCH in 2016. Ronique has been successfully employed at a local hospital in Norfolk since January of 2017. After completing her internship with her current employer through Project SEARCH they decided to hire her! Ronique works in Environmental Services at the hospital and does a wonderful job. Her attention to detail and time management skills have helped her succeed in her position. Ronique always follows her schedule when cleaning her areas and the departments have said that they can use Ronique as a time reference. They know the exact time because she is always right on time each day! Ronique did not need a lot of support because she picks up tasks so quickly and understands the expectations. Ronique is young, therefore working with The Choice Group and Project SEARCH has helped her find the opportunity to work in a great position that would typically be challenging to obtain for a young adult. Project SEARCH helped opened that door for Ronique to show off her skills and she is so grateful. Ronique has learned to become more independent and mature since beginning her work for the local hospital. She manages her schedule on her own, manages personal appointments, and helps to pay bills. Roniques daily tasks involve keeping the hospital clean. She sweeps, mops, sanitizes and empties trash cans as well as refills supplies in her departments. Rachel meets with Ronique and her manager to make sure she continues to be successful on the job. One of the main things Rachel does for Ronique is to help her understand and complete the required modules for the hospital each year. Working with Rachel encouraged Ronique to become more of an advocate for herself. She is a kind person who can get along with anyone. She has always been reserved and quiet, but is learning to speak up and advocate for herself in many situations. In her free time Ronique loves spending time with her family as well as shopping and picking out gifts for friends and family. She also has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh! Ronique is a huge supporter of Project SEARCH and always makes the interns feel welcome when they arrive at the hospital during their first week.


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