Jamalerri, The Grocery Store Guru.

Jamalerri, The Grocery Store Guru.

Rachel McGregor began working with Jamalerri in the summer of 2014. He has been working in his current position since the summer of 2015. When the grocery store he was working at closed, he was picked up by another grocery store and has been working there beginning in the summer of 2018. In his initial job search, Jamalerri wanted an employer he was comfortable with. He had some work experience in a grocery store in high school and knew he enjoyed the environment. He worked in 3 different rotations while in Project SEARCH and learned what he enjoyed and did not enjoy about different jobs. Jamalerri went on a few interviews and was offered other positions, but did not feel those offers were right for him. Once he interviewed for the position at the grocery store and was offered the job, he knew it was the right job for him. Upon being offered the job at the grocery store, Jamalerri had to overcome some communication barriers. He had been issued an iPod to help with communication, but has since worked on his communication skills and does not need use the iPod at work. Jamalerri initially had trouble managing his transportation schedule, but has since mastered scheduling his rides to and from work. He also overcame some challenges with his uniform and wearing a store issued safety vest. He now has a vest that has been issued directly to him, which he is comfortable wearing. Jamalerri is very kind and great with customers. He is efficient and gets his work done without being asked.
"Jamalerri is an awesome employee" says Rachel. "His managers are very impressed with his work and have said that since Jamalerri is so dependable, he has been given more hours. His tasks at the grocery store include bagging groceries, collecting carts from the parking lot and re-shopping items in the store." The Choice Group checks on Jamalerri at least once a month in follow along services. They check in with him and his Manager to be sure that he is continuing to do a great job at work. Since Rachel started working with Jamalerri, she says “it is amazing how much he has grown. He is so much more responsible and mature. He handles his own schedule and transportation and has also improved with his speech and communication.” In his free time Jamalerri loves playing videos games and staying up to date on current events and the news. Jamalerri also enjoys spending time with his family.


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