Samantha, the girl on fire with a passion to do her best!

Samantha, the girl on fire with a passion to do her best!

Rachel McGregor began working with Samantha Hasty in the summer of 2017 where she found work at a local navy base. Samantha started working with her current employer in the summer of last year. Samantha’s job tasks include wiping down tables, working in the dish room, interacting with guests, putting away clean dishes away, and maintain the dining area on the naval base. Samantha has made some major achievements working in her position including receiving a customer service award from her employer as well as gaining independence and confidence. 

Samantha has such a outgoing and friendly personality. Working in an atmosphere like the naval base allows her to communicate with many different people in a day. She is able to socialize and enjoy herself while working hard. Samantha began participating in Project SEARCH where she completed 3 internships in 3 different areas and discovered that she had a passion for food services. Samantha also took a cooking class to continue to learn new skills. When we saw that there was a position open on the navy base in food service, Samantha knew she wanted to apply. Samantha is great with communication, though she can get nervous when she is put on the spot. Rachel worked with Samantha on practicing interview questions and prepared her for the interview and what it might be like. She was able to find an employer who was very supportive and comfortable which made Samantha more relaxed while interviewing. On top of doing such an amazing job at the naval base she also keeps track of her own schedule and has awesome time management skills.

Rachel continues to support Samantha by checking in while she is working and touching base with the manager to make sure she is continuing to do a good job. She also helped Samantah get involved with outside resources such as Therapeutic Recreation, Special Olympics Bowling and Paratransit. 

Samantha is a big fan of the San Fransico 49ers. She loves to dance and hang out with friends and on Friday nights she enjoys bowling with them. Samantha is close with her family and loves to swim. One of her favorite things to do is spend time at her grandmothers senior living home and help run their bingo nights. Samantha's favorite song is "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys and she most definitely is a girl on fire doing amazing in her position at the naval base! 


  1. Samantha is definitely a beautiful young woman who is in the business of making a difference in the lives of others. I have had the pleasure of interactioning and with Samantha on different occasions and she is a go getter and exemplifies the Quantities of a Role Model and a Leader. Yes, Samantha has great customer service skills and has the ability to achieve her Goals. She is a people's person and loves to entertain as well as making others happy. I have witness Samantha ability to SERVE others and her Community. Congratulations Samantha and job well done... Keep Reaching for the STARS..


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