Ethan's Success Story!

I like to refer to Ethan as the "Big Ben" of our local Wegman's. As a diehard Pittsburg Steelers fan, Ethan certainly knows to take this as a compliment. He is approaching the completion of his first year of employment as a Helping Hands Cart Attendant and has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and winning attitude on and off the "field".

 Ethan began job assessments with me in 2015 and I quickly noted both his eagerness to learn and willingness to work. It was not long after beginning job development that Ethan interviewed for and was offered his current position at Wegman's. Despite this being his very first job, Ethan showed a high level of initiative and resolve through his initial training and was soon working independently to collect carts, greet customers and assist with carry-out orders. The Helping Hands position is a tough one as employees work outdoors in the summer and winter months, but Ethan has not once complained about his work. He always has a smile on his face and a friendly word for each customer that he encounters.

Wegman's recently recognized Ethan as their Helping Hands Employee of the Month. I believe that his customers and co-workers would agree that he's a true "MVP".

John Callahan
Senior Vocational Counselor


  1. Way to go Ethan!! We're so proud of you. Uncle Oscar

  2. WOW !!! how blessed I am to call this young man my son and my hero !! Words can not express how proud I am of him and how far he has come along in so many areas because of this job. Thank you John and Thank you Wegman's for believing in him and seeing his full potentional and all of his goodness that I see in him everyday. This job has changed his life in so many positive ways and has made him a confident and happy young man !


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