DR WILLIAMS CURED 7 YEARS AUTISM I am sharing this testimony for my daughter who suffered autism for 7 years. I am doing this, because I was her mother and caregiver during her dark days and am very happy to share it so that others can be helped through DR WILLIAMS HERBAL MEDICINE. It was a tough a battle for her; I was not actually the one who hard autism, but bearing the burden makes me understand what parents whose children and love with autism go through. Lesia now 19 and was diagnosed with autism at the age of twelve, for seven years, she fought against her diagnosis. I must admit it was never easy for us as a family; we had to constantly watch her, and answer questions that we couldn’t explain. On several occasions, she asked if she will ever stop having speech delay and get well like her school mates and be the best swimmer she dreamt of becoming. She was a very happy child; and had a ‘normal’ childhood and there was no suggestion that she would later on develop autism. She refused to accept defeat and fought autism. She religiously kept to her medications in spite of their side effects. We all wanted a cure, so that she can chase her dream and live a normal life like every other child. But the more she takes these medications, the more her school grade drop. She couldn’t concentrate and we noticed that her memory was being severely adversely affected. Each time we went back to the hospital, her medicines were changed to a different one. Seems like, each change of drug brings about change in side effects. After about 6 years on Abilify , Geodon , and other medicines, it seemed the autism started to increase in frequency. I had to make effort to reduce her medicines with plans to eventually stop it all. We found an alternative treatment in homeopathy, which was better than her English drugs. Gradually, I reduced her drugs, and her autism were no longer as frequent as it was as when she was on conventional drugs. With our little breakthrough with homeopathy treatment, we made further search for natural cure. Fortunately we saw testimonies about herbal medicines which cure autism. We saw a lot of claims though, contacted them and didn’t get a useful reply. Lucky for us, we finally got a reply from Doctor Williams, he directed us to his blog where we saw a lot of information about his herbal medicine . Without further delay I made a purchase for her, I switched her over to it. We had great breakthrough, that in 3 weeks, her autism reduced. After 1 months as Doctor Williams promised , all autism symptoms stopped. It was like a miracle for us. since all this days now Lesia became autism free. Her story is quite lengthy, I hope it also help someone out there.for more information you can email Dr Williams on drwilliams098675@gmail.com
The Choice Group’s “Maximizing Earning Potential Through Career Pathways” (MAX service) is here to help students looking for guidance on starting a career and managing their finances. This program is designed to support students and young adults in making smart decisions about work and money. What is the MAX Service? The MAX service is a group presentation, available both online and in person, that covers essential topics to help students succeed in the workforce: Explore Career Options : Learn about different career paths and how to match your skills to the right jobs. Transferable Skills : Identify skills already have that are valuable in many jobs. Job Market Insights : Get updated on which industries are hiring and what skills are in demand. Social Security & Medicaid Basics : Understand how working affects benefits and how to maximize your earnings. Budgeting Tips : Learn to manage money, track expenses, and work toward financial independence. Parents can also receive lea...
Phil Swinford's house is full of tech that helps him live more independently, but he's betting it's also going to help him to walk again. (Phil Swinford plays music on his phone.Megan Wollerton/CNET) " OK Google , text Pamela ICE [in case of emergency]," says retired US Army Col. Phil Swinford from his home in the Virginia suburbs, roughly an hour's drive from Washington, DC. He's using Google Assistant on his Android phone to talk to his wife, Pam, who's working today at her consignment shop, the Copper Cricket, a few miles away. I'm listening in, which feels a little too invasive, but it's OK: This text is just for demo purposes. "Sure," Google's AI responds. "What's the message?" "Hey, babe. I love you," Phil says clearly and deliberately into his phone. "I got, 'Hey, babe. I love you,'" it speaks back to him. "Do you wanna send it or change it?" "Send i...
At The Choice Group, we work tirelessly to help clients find employment that enhances their lives. Billy Kraus from our Hampton Roads team shares a story about Nicholas Cunningham, whose experience demonstrates the power of sustained employment. Nicholas Cunningham began working with Billy in April 2021. To identify the best job opportunities, Nicholas helped pull weeds at a job site as part of a situational assessment. Nicholas enjoyed the task so much that he applied for a position with the landscaping company , after a little encouragement from the employer. He has now been employed there for three years. Since starting his position, Nicholas has achieved significant milestones. He has been promoted to Crew Lead, a role in which he drives, supervises, and trains his crew at each job site. His job tasks include various landscaping duties, and his leadership skills have afforded him the opportunity to mentor new employees and build strong connections with his managers and coworkers. ...
The Choice Group team takes pride in empowering individuals to develop skills and achieve their employment goals. Jenn DePuy from our Hampton Roads team shares that pride as she recounts the story of Lewis Turner, whose path through Skills Training and Supported Employment demonstrates the success and importance of the programs we offer. Lewis Turner began working with The Choice Group in October 2023, when Jenn and Lewis discovered that Texas Roadhouse may be the ideal place for him to work. Despite facing challenges such as navigating paratransit, adapting tasks, and orienting himself to a new environment, Lewis persevered with determination. Now, months into his employment, Lewis has made significant strides. Lewis's motivation and independence have been pivotal in his success. He possesses excellent compensatory skills, which help him adapt and thrive in his role. Since starting his position at Texas Roadhouse, Lewis has set up robust natural supports for himself and has becom...
ReplyDeleteI am sharing this testimony for my daughter who suffered autism for 7 years. I am doing this, because I was her mother and caregiver during her dark days and am very happy to share it so that others can be helped through DR WILLIAMS HERBAL MEDICINE. It was a tough a battle for her; I was not actually the one who hard autism, but bearing the burden makes me understand what parents whose children and love with autism go through.
Lesia now 19 and was diagnosed with autism at the age of twelve, for seven years, she fought against her diagnosis. I must admit it was never easy for us as a family; we had to constantly watch her, and answer questions that we couldn’t explain. On several occasions, she asked if she will ever stop having speech delay and get well like her school mates and be the best swimmer she dreamt of becoming. She was a very happy child; and had a ‘normal’ childhood and there was no suggestion that she would later on develop autism.
She refused to accept defeat and fought autism. She religiously kept to her medications in spite of their side effects. We all wanted a cure, so that she can chase her dream and live a normal life like every other child. But the more she takes these medications, the more her school grade drop. She couldn’t concentrate and we noticed that her memory was being severely adversely affected. Each time we went back to the hospital, her medicines were changed to a different one. Seems like, each change of drug brings about change in side effects. After about 6 years on Abilify , Geodon , and other medicines, it seemed the autism started to increase in frequency. I had to make effort to reduce her medicines with plans to eventually stop it all. We found an alternative treatment in homeopathy, which was better than her English drugs. Gradually, I reduced her drugs, and her autism were no longer as frequent as it was as when she was on conventional drugs.
With our little breakthrough with homeopathy treatment, we made further search for natural cure. Fortunately we saw testimonies about herbal medicines which cure autism. We saw a lot of claims though, contacted them and didn’t get a useful reply. Lucky for us, we finally got a reply from Doctor Williams, he directed us to his blog where we saw a lot of information about his herbal medicine . Without further delay I made a purchase for her, I switched her over to it. We had great breakthrough, that in 3 weeks, her autism reduced. After 1 months as Doctor Williams promised , all autism symptoms stopped. It was like a miracle for us. since all this days now Lesia became autism free. Her story is quite lengthy, I hope it also help someone out there.for more information you can email Dr Williams on drwilliams098675@gmail.com