VRA Special Projects nominates REACHCycles for Special Donation

The VRA Special Projects Committee solicited nominations for this quarter for projects in the state of Virginia that highlight the values of VRA that are in need of support and funds for their endeavors.  Upon review of the nominations, the VRA board voted to support REACHcycles for the second Special Projects recipient in 2017.

The VRA Special Projects Committee honored REACHcycles with our $500.00 donation during their celebratory event at ARCpark in Richmond on August 6, 2017.  At this event, REACHcycles presented 22 specially adapted donated three-wheeler cycles (AmTrykes) to area children with disabilities who had been pre-selected by REACHcycles based on desire and need. 

The Choice Group representatives, Ericka Neville nominated REACHcycles for this special donation, while Chris Lavach presented the check as part of the celebratory event on August 6, 2017.

What a touching event it was to see all of the children receive and ride their adapted cycle. -  It is great to know that VRA will be bringing the same smile and joy to future REACHcycle children with this VRA donation!

Check out more news coverage of this event from ABC 8 Local News, click here!


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