Improving Transportation Through Collaboration

The Choice Group is involved not only with clients and employers but we work side by side with our communities in order to overcome obstacles we face when seeking to further disability employment opportunities.  One of our biggest obstacles is transportation.

A lot of our clients rely on public transportation or arranged transportation (CARE van), and in the Culpeper, Virginia, public transportation is less widely available than in cities. The Choice Group is working in collaboration with agencies, companies, and nonprofits that are all trying to improve transportation in the Culpeper County, Fauquier County/Warrenton, Madison County, Orange County, and Rappahannock County areas.  We are meeting monthly and working towards developing both ridership surveys and employer focused surveys and we have already shared these surveys with a variety of employers, chamber of commerce committees, and economic development offices throughout these areas.

We are hoping to gather enough information with these surveys to apply for a grant that will assist with funding both the expansion of current transportation options and creating new options all geared towards supporting people in getting to work. We are all very excited not only about what this means for these job applicants but also for these rural communities working together towards a common goal!

If you're a consumer and would like to participate in the survey, follow this link:

If you're an employer or a large area business and would like to participate in the survey, follow this link:


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