Laura and Madison’s Road to Success

Laura and Madison’s Road to Success

Madison was the first client Laura met through her counseling work with The Choice Group when they both volunteered to bag items at a grocery store. The rest is history. 

After seeing how well the grocery store event went, Laura and Madison decided to explore additional jobs within the food industry, eventually settling on Outback as an ideal fit for Madison’s first job. She has now maintained employment at Outback for over a year and a half! In her role, Madison has carried out many tasks, starting with food prep at a table in the dining room before the restaurant opened, which gave her a large, quiet workspace. After mastering that task and becoming more comfortable in her new environment, Madison began working in the kitchen alongside other staff. She eventually added bussing and rolling silverware at night to her resume. On slower evenings when bussing tasks are not needed, Madison has even trained other staff on how to do food prep. 

Madison continues to add helpful kitchen tasks to her to-do list at work. Her mother says that Madison’s confidence, vocabulary, and cooking skills at home have also flourished since taking on this job. Keep up the excellent work, Madison!

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