How The Choice Group Counseling Program Leads To Employment Success

How The Choice Group Counseling Program Leads To Employment Success

At The Choice Group, the goal of counseling is to provide a safe, accepting, and non-judgmental place where individuals can explore issues in confidence. Our goal is for the therapist and client to become a team that explores the client’s strengths, values, fears, and difficulties together.

Many of our clients are on the autism spectrum. One such client had been told by a previous employer that he was never going to be able to hold a professional position. Before working with The Choice Group, this individual didn’t have a job coach and was terminated from many previous positions due to challenges with interacting with female coworkers. When The Choice Group manager Shadi Zadeh first met this client about six years ago, he was in his forties, held a Ph.D., and had been working off-and-on for years. By working with our counseling program, he has held down a position as an engineer making $42 an hour with the opportunity for consistent raises and the trust to work from home. Our client has excelled in his position, winning an award for being one of the best employees of the year.

Founded in 1998, The Choice Group has dedicated over 20 years to helping its clients find meaningful employment as part of a full and enriching lifestyle. Those who encounter varying obstacles to entering the competitive workforce find their efforts become more productive when paired with The Choice Group’s assistance. For more information on our programs click here.


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