Counselor Highlight: Shadi Zadeh

Shadi Zadeh: Regional Manager / Workforce Development Coordinator

We have dedicated over 20 years to helping our clients find meaningful employment as part of a full and enriching lifestyle. It has been a pleasure to serve thousands of clients in our time as counselors and it is an honor to share in their achievements. As we start to experience a new phase of the Coronavirus pandemic, the counselors of The Choice Group in Northern Virginia continue to show up for their community. 

Enthusiastic about The Choice Group's mission of making a commitment to excellence in meeting our client's needs--Shadi Zadeh has been known to go above and beyond for her clients. Pre-COVID it was common for her to meet multiple times in-person to help prepare for job interviews. Zadeh has since made the pivot to mostly virtual and has found strategic ways to help her clients find jobs, walk them through submitting applications and doing mock interviews to prepare for the big day. In her role as a counselor she makes sure to train her clients on using technology as a part of their interview prep process to make sure they are up-to-date and show up fully prepared.

Although she has never stopped providing virtual services, Zadeh knows clients can face anxiety and be extremely shy so she is able to meet with them several times prior and sit with them on the day of the interview to aid with some of their challenges. It is not surprising for clients and their family members to reach out with words of gratitude about her kindness and service throughout the process.

The Choice Group advocates for clients through memberships in the following organizations, as well as other individualized efforts, on an ongoing basis. Visit to learn more. 


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