Akia Is Zealous For Zoup

Akia Is Zealous For Zoup Mary Chris Werner began working with Akia Turner in February of 2018 and has been employed at Zoup for over a year, where her and Mary Chris feel she is a great fit. Originally Akia was looking for a stocking position but Mary Chris helped open her up to the option of working in food services. Akia is diligent, hardworking and polite to her fellow employees and the customers she serves. She has great time management skills which help her with completing daily tasks on time and her personality is perfect for customer interaction.
Akia Is Zealous For Zoup When she first started to apply and interview for jobs she was a little quiet and shy but has truly blossomed. This was her first job, therefore, she had to overcome the obstacles many face when starting a new position or beginning their first job. In the beginning she had trouble taking initiative, but being there for a year now, she has found her voice. She has shown improvement and helps when business picks up by increasing her hours as needed. She always takes the initiative to clean the dining room and works hard to learn tasks upfront. Her managers have asked her to work more days, if it can be worked out with day support, and she is happy to help if she is able! Akia’s daily tasks include cleaning dishes, cleaning the dining room, and has began to slowly learn how to prepare the salads and sandwiches.
Mary Chris and Akia communicate monthly on how she is doing in her current position, although  Akia and her managers have great communication when Mary Chris is not around. She has accomplished so much and continues to show improvement by working more hours, taking the initiative and getting comfortable with learning food prep. Her coworkers love working with her and say that she is a great asset. In her spare time, Akia loves going to day support and hanging out with her dog when she is not picking up more hours at the restaurant.


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