Success Through Hardship- Valerie's Story

Heidi Chaney began working with Valerie in October of 2017. Valerie was referred to The Choice Group by The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to help her get back to work. Along with the help of her DARS counselor Kara Leavell and with the support of her family and friends she was ready to move forward.

Valerie had gone to school 30 years ago to learn office skills and had worked at the local shipyard ordering parts for ship repair but was laid off and had not worked in 15 years. Valerie had overcome many challenges in her life and career such as being paralyzed from the waist down since the age of 18 and was not going to let being laid off deter her from finding work again.

With the help of her job coach, Valerie decided that working as a front desk receptionist or as a greeter of some type would best fit her needs and desires. After taking a situational assessment at a local YMCA it was confirmed that Valerie’s desire to move forward in the job search with similar jobs in mind would be a great fit.

After submitting several applications with the help of her job coach Heidi, both Valerie and Heidi went to a job fair at the local community college and met with a representative of PCSI, a federal contractor. After reviewing her resume, the representative from PCSI said that Valerie should apply for an ID Checker position. With the help of Heidi, they filled out the online application. An interview was then scheduled and Valerie landed the job and began work at a military dental clinic as an ID Checker.

We are so glad that Valerie found the position with PCSI and wish her continued success!


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