Tranisha Mitchell's Success with Project SEARCH

Tranisha Mitchell started working as an Operating Room Attendant at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in August 2016.  She works in the Surgical Prep and recovery unit, in a unique position that was created exclusively for her due to her outstanding work as an intern through Project SEARCH.

When she initially began Project SEARCH she had moved several times.  With every move came the difficulty of figuring out how to navigate a new local bus route.  Tranisha, an independent go-getter, wasn’t going to let navigating a bus schedule get in her way.  She adapted quickly to her new surroundings and figured out how to effectively take public transportation to the hospital.

Tranisha is a top notch employee at the Hospital because she is compassionate and great with people.  She grew up helping her family members with their medical needs, so a transition to serving her community working at the Hospital felt natural.  Tranisha is not only compassionate and great with people; she is also extremely hard working. She has proven herself as one of the hospitals most dependable employees willing to work the long hours required to be successful in her role.

In a typical day, Tranisha will call and escort patient families to the surgical prep area.  She always lends a hand to nurses and care partners, providing supplies to them when they are working with patients.  In addition, she helps with room turnover, making sure new patient rooms are prepared with the highest level of care.

When Tranisha is not at the Hospital she can be found helping other Project SEARCH interns.  Like most girls her age, she loves movies, shopping, and hanging out with friends.  Her immediate future goals are saving money to get a drivers license and to eventually rent an apartment of her own where she can live independently.


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