Overcoming Employment Obstacles

Image courtesy of Kessler Foundation

     A recent survey by the Kessler Foundation reported that individuals with disabilities who are striving to work are encountering barriers to achieving employment.  Some of these obstacles include transportation, lack of education or training and presumptions from employers about job performance.
     Our staff at The Choice Group does everything in their power to give our clients the tools for success in the competitive job market.  We offer on-site job training in computer software, task management and anything else the job requires.  It’s a continual service we provide, so if our client's job starts utilizing a new computer system, or job requirements change, we will be there to help the client adjust.  

     Not every job is equal and not all clients are the same.  Through our discovery process, we find the best match for them with potential employers.  Some of our clients like working outdoors, others prefer an office environment.  We pair our client’s skills with their interests to truly create a productive experience both for them and their employer.

     We provide life-skills training as well to help build a strong base at home.  Anything from learning time-management to get our clients to work promptly, meal preparation and laundry, to practicing a safe and manageable route to the job.  We help our clients achieve their personal goals.

     It’s important to have a network of support when venturing out into the job market.  We work with employers to fill positions based on compatibility and skill level. We help candidates achieve the skills necessary to have success within that position.  The Choice Group is here to help with any barriers our clients face when trying to achieve their goals of gainful employment. 


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